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Saturday, Apr. 23, 2005 - 10:04 PM

I Feel ANOTHER Hate Crime Coming On

or, Something Bitchy This Way Comes

First of all, let me start off by saying this:

Jim Verraros, shut the fuck up.

You don't want to talk about Clay, and then you do. Boy, did you.

And let me preface this next remark by making sure that everyone reading this understands that I'm the Queen of the Fruit Flies, a lifelong faghag who will claw the eyes out of anyone who does or says anything against my homosexual pals...that Jim Verraros is one obnoxious little queen.

He is soooooo upset by Clay's presence in this world that everything he says about him reeks of a guy who showed up at a party expecting to get into someone's pants and he got turned down. Guess whose pants I think he wanted into. Oh, come on, GUESS.

Rejection hurts...and there is no hotter flame than the one shooting from a jilted boy's eyes. Queens invented catty, and they'll do anything to puff themselves up. (including, when necessary, using a vacuum pump on their willies)

Speaking of size, I love how these guys always think they're bigger stars than they are. You can see it during the AI auditions�there's always some faggy creature strutting into the room who can't carry a tune in a bucket, but when someone suggests that perhaps he look for another line of work, he storms out of the room, all snaps and attitude, vowing that we will all see his name in lights someday. (Oh really? Is your name Waffle House?)

It's pathetic�they have to have more attitude, because they need to fill the void where their TALENT is supposed to be. But I guess a heapin' helpin' of healthy 'tude has brought some folks fame and fortune, right? I mean, just look at Corey Feldman. If you can find him, that is.

But, while we're on the topic of has-beens, let's talk about Jim Verraros some more. (Come to think of it, he's more of a barely-was.)

Apparently he has an album. Fantastic. I'll be sure to rush out and not buy it.

Apparently the "gay community" is excited about it. Wow. All of them? This is, by Jim's estimation, the same "gay community" that doesn't need Clay. Huh.

You know, for a long time, my feeling has been that the "gay community" needed Clay BAD. That's why they felt it was necessary to hound him for a while there. They needed a poster boy...someone that Middle America LOVED who wouldn't offend anybody. Didn't matter if he was really gay or not...they needed people to think he was, because it was good for THEM.

(I'll quote the fabulous Buddy Cole for emphasis: "And I don't believe for a second that Liberace is gay...because I just don't WANT him to be!!")

That's what this elusive "gay community" is all about...promoting themselves, no matter who they piss off. More important to grab headlines trying to force some innocent guy who never did a damn thing to harm you out of a closet he's probably not even IN than to do real work on real issues. It's more glamourous that way, I guess.

(For what it's worth, I don't know anyone who is a member of the "gay community"...I know about a gazillon gay men/lesbians/bisexuals/transsexuals, and I don't consider any of them to be like that. I think the "gay community" is the people who run magazines like the Advocate. They represent gays like Cosmopolitan represents me...which is to say, not much.)

And while I'm on the subject of "outing" people (a practice which I find abhorrent), isn't it ironic that Jim talks about how he came out on his own terms, when he felt the time was right, and how great that was, in the same interview as he's huffing and puffing about how Clay should just come out, because he's boring and a big phony loser?

(Um...what if he IS out, Jim? What if he IS being "who he is"? You know, maybe he's a heterosexual man and is perfectly happy with being one? I know...I'm talking crazy again, right?)

Frankly, I don't give a shit if Clay is gay or not. The only way Clay Aiken's sexuality affects me is if it affects my chances of getting into the aforementioned pants. That's it. I love him to pieces either way.

Another thing I don't like is La Verraros insisting he knows something that even Clay doesn't know. Look at what he said about the current AI contestants...

"I look at the show now thinking 'my God, who isn�t gay on this episode?'" he admits. "Do the contestants know [they�re gay] and are they open about it [behind the scenes]?"

I love how little bitchy queens like him know someone's gay when even *they* don't know themselves. Ri-i-ight. Unless you looked down one night and saw your dick in his mouth, you don't know SHIT, Jim.

Paul Stanley from KISS has probably banged, and this is a conservative estimate, more than a thousand women in his lifetime, and yet there will always be people who insist that he's gay. I once told a message board full of homophobic metalheads that the ONLY reason for a guy to ponder Paul's sexuality is if he were hoping for a shot at him. It didn't go over well. Sometimes even the most obvious evidence starin' ya in the face isn't enough to make ya see past your own prejudices.

Gaydar is one thing...being logical is something else entirely. Sometimes you come across people in your daily life who make you realize your gaydar needs to be recalibrated. We all know people like that. First impression is the guy is gayer than a parade float...and then you get to know him and realize he's not. There are nelly straight guys just like there are butch gay guys. Over the years, lots of people in my life have thought I was a lesbian. They were very much wrong. Very very much. It's one thing to SEEM gay...but it's another thing entirely to BE gay.

But, like I said, I don't care about that stuff. It ain't my business. I fuck who I wanna fuck, and you fuck who you wanna fuck, and the sun still rises in the east like it always does.

And all those people who assumed I was a lesbian, just cuz I wasn't all girly and stuff...they can suck my dick.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

And before I end this rant for good, let me send out a verbal spanking to every whiny Claymate who sent Jim an email. Jim Verraros doesn't have to like Clay, just like you don't have to like Jim Verraros. Don't email him. Kick and scream and punch a pillow, but don't email him. It makes the rest of us look bad.

Just start your own website and rant in public. Much classier. ;o)

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